We’ve found a range of interesting programs serving youth as well as people of all ages. We suggest starting with the short article on Finnish elementary school education. It’s simplicity and success speak for themselves!
- Finland: Elementary school students have 15 minutes for free play outdoors each hour – http://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2014/06/how-finland-keeps-kids-focused/373544/
- Girls on the Run – A “formalized the on-field, off-field link”: “As they train for a non-competitive 5K fun run, girls in the third through fifth grades also spend time at each practice learning about the serious issues they will soon confront: nutrition, drugs, bullying.” – http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/08/27/AR2009082702941.html, http://www.gotrdc.org/what-we-do/evaluations
- School in Md. reaps benefits of running club: Frederick’s Orchard Grove Elementary School is making strides in fitness – http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/fredericks-orchard-grove-elementary-school-is-making-strides-in-fitness/2011/05/25/AGC2LOEH_story.html
- Teens Run DC – During the year, students train alongside teachers and individual mentors who challenge and guide these youth to develop greater responsibility, discipline, perseverance, and goal-setting skills as they train for progressively longer distance races. – http://www.stonesoupfilms.org/film/first-shoot-teens-run-dc/ – … empowers underserved youth to envision and work towards the achievement of personal goals through a youth mentoring and distance running program.
- GirlTrek – http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2016/04/05/walking-to-build-spirit-as-well-as-health/ – http://www.girltrek.org/ – Walking Together for Health and Spirit – TED 2017 video: https://www.ted.com/talks/t_morgan_dixon_and_vanessa_garrison_walking_as_a_revolutionary_act_of_self_care
- Street Soccer USA – http://www.streetsoccerusa.org/mission-model-impact/ – http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/02/sports/soccer/02soccer.html – Soccer for low income youth.
- America Scores/DC Scores – http://www.americascores.org/affiliates/dc – Combines soccer, writing poetry, and community service in afterschool programs.
- Back on My Feet – http://www.backonmyfeet.org/ – “Back on My Feet recruits members at homeless and residential facilities around the country and begins with a commitment to run three days a week in the early morning. After 30 days in the program, members with 90% attendance earn the opportunity to move into the second phase of the program called Next Steps, which provides educational support, job training programs, employment partnership referrals and housing resources. “