Tutoring & Mentoring Initiatives
To learn more and get involved, go to the DC Tutoring & Mentoring Initiative website.
The Civic University
The “civic framework” we are using for the DC Tutoring & Mentoring Initiative, the Civic Leadership Fellows program, and the Community Platform data and technology provide, we hope, a comprehensive set of resources that can be used by colleges and universities as institutions, by student groups and individual students, and by members of the university faculty in their classes and their research to provide meaningful help to their communities, a valuable education for students, and research opportunities for faculty members. See the documents under “The Role of Colleges & Universities and University Students” in the Documents section of this website for more details or email Tom at civicLeadershipProject.org.
We had planned the first “CivicFest” music festival, leadership development institute, TED Talk-like convening at the Frederick County 4-H Activity Center the summer of 2017. This became a one-day event at Meridian Hill-Malcolm X Park in Washington, DC held on Aug. 4, 2018 and planned for Aug. 3, 2019 at the same location. Send us an email at info@dcTutorMentor.org if you would like to learn more or participate.
Neighborhood Leadership Circles and Teams
Civic associations, book clubs, Bible study groups, AA, Neighborhood Watch. People working together in small groups to listen, learn, share, reflect and act for themselves and for others. We want to learn from these models to start Neighborhood Leadership Circles to help us better organize our personal lives for ourselves and to help our community—and maybe the nation.
How They Work
- You and 6-10 neighbors commit to meeting over 3 meals over the course of 3 weeks to get to know each other, share how we feel about the community and our own lives, and talk about what we’d like to get out of a group.
- If folks like what is happening in the first 3 groups… Commit to 8 more to dig deeper and do more to get involved in the community.
- We help facilitate and provide short thought-provoking videos from TED and other sources, articles, questions and guides to help guide or focus the discussion — but we are all learning as we go and want to learn from you about what is working and what is not.
- Start with the basics: “If you really want to make a friend, go to someone’s house and eat with him… the people who give you their food give you their heart…” — Cesar Chavez