Key DCTMI Resources

Practical civic transformation, one community at a time

We talk to and correspond with people with a wide range of conflicting perspectives and values. However, we believe that our work can cut through many of these divisions and give people the deep experiences working together across class, race, temperament, world view, and ideology that are vital to creating the shared civic faith we need for our communities and democracy to prosper in coming decades — but we first need to help people understand how this work connects to their lives, beliefs and interests. Thus, you’ll find a smorgasbord of writings and communications below to give you a feel for our thinking and practical work from a variety of perspectives.

Overview (2 pages)
Overview charts on the Civic Leadership Project umbrella and DCTMI (2 pages)
DCTMI Logic model
Civic Outreach & Leadership Teams
Civic Leadership: Organizing Our Lives and Developing the Habits of Mind and Heart to Make a Better World
A Simple Civic Faith for the 21st Century

College Students
Civic Leadership Fellows Program flyer (2016)
Secret Fellowship of Freedom Riding Jedi Wizards: Wristband (2016)
Civic Leadership Program Syllabus (2016)

Related Projects
The Community Platform 1-page flyer
Civic Imagination show
Neighborhood Field Days

Colleges and Universities
DCTMI: Weighing the Evidence from the Social Sciences and Other Sources
Universities and the Community Platform (2015)

CivicFest website
CivicFest 2018 video (2min)
Civic Fest flyer (2016 draft)
CivicFest concept paper (2016)

Partner Tutoring, Mentoring & Youth Development Organizations
Semi-structured interview protocol for organizations

Other Documents
DCTMI concept paper, Fall 2014
1-page flyer for religious congregations, Jan. 2017
Presentation to The Washington Center, Sept. 30, 2016
Solitude, walking and alone-time
DCTMI and the Benefits of Physical Exercise
Getting Outdoors
Exercise: Model Programs and Nations